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  • Paul

Light This Place on Fire!

A couple of weeks ago, I met with a pastor in Logan, UT to talk about what ministry is like in the Cache Valley. He has great insight and is very well connected to people in the community. In fact, he works at Utah State University in the event scheduling department. He has been faithfully serving in Logan for just over 2 years.

As I began to tell him about our plans and philosophy and what the Lord is already doing in building a team to plant in Logan, he was getting more and more excited! He wants us in Logan ASAP! In fact, there's an auditorium that recently became available in the same building from which he rents. In his excitement, he offered to pay the rent for the auditorium for a year to hold it for when we move up there! I was stunned. We're not ready to commit to a building yet, but I was praising the Lord for his excitement. He doesn't see us as competition, but as partners in the gospel (Phil 1). This is exactly what we need in Logan: Partners in the gospel.

Finally, he explains to me that the Lord is at work in the Cache Valley. The conversations that he's been having in Logan have been more and more gospel oriented. Other believers up there have expressed similar things to him. Then, he says to me, "You know what, you all might just be the spark that will light this place on fire."

This makes Abbey and me SO EXCITED to move to Logan and help plant a church!

We can't wait to see what God might do! Praise the Lord!

Please Pray!

  • Pray that our Leadership Team will be solidified and unified.

  • Pray for wisdom as we begin to research the Logan area. We will continue to interview Christian church leaders in the next couple of weeks.

  • Pray for more Gospel opportunities. ---- Abbey has spent time with a few LDS women. One in particular seems very interested in knowing what we believe. ---- I have been meeting with three LDS missionaries. Been fun! ---- Vail (our oldest) has been very burdened for one of her LDS friends.

  • Pray for the Lord to begin working in people's lives in Logan, specifically, softening their hearts to hear the good news.

  • Pray that our needs will be met.

  • Praise the Lord for His provision so far!

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