So, I just met a neighbor of ours and got to explain what my shirt was all about! Check it out!
Here's a quick video update with my sweet Pilar Ann!
The Lord is really bringing together a team! Praise Him!
4 Pastors
35 Adults total (+LOTS of kids)
Regular meetings in Logan start June 6
Gospel Peace Church launch date: September 19!
Pray for continued opportunities to share Christ with people.
Pray for our neighbors. We can't wait to get to know more of them and tell them about Jesus.
Pray for Gospel Peace Church. Pray the team of people joining us would be unified through humility that God in our lives (Phil 2).
Pray for the GPC Launch Team who are transitioning to Logan soon. It's very hard to say goodbye to friends and family. They're sacrificing and suffering for the sake of His name in Logan. Pray for strength and endurance.